Cecelia Baum Mandryk

Imagine a life where you feel good and are accomplishing your goals without stress, overwhelm, or willpower…

Welcome to Calmer Conversations.

I know that the secret to feeling better in life – to actually enjoying your life – is creating a calmer conversation between your brain and body. Those feelings you’re dealing with on a daily basis aren’t just a ‘you’ thing, they’re human things, and totally workable. In each episode you’ll get evidence-based, bite-sized tips you can implement in your life to create lasting change.

Ready to change the conversation between your brain and your body, and change your life in the process. Tune in on your favorite podcast app, new episodes are available every Thursday.


Where to Listen:

As I’ve worked with myself and my clients, I’ve learned over and over again that the secret to feeling calmer in life –and to actually enjoying your life – is working with your brain *and* your body- in a way that’s different from what you were likely taught.

But the good news? It’s totally workable. Tune in now to find out how!

Listen to the Newest Episodes Below:

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About Your Host

I’m Cecelia, and I am passionate about helping people live the life they want to live and feel how they want to feel in their life. We do this together using mindset tools, nervous system regulation, and curious inquiry. I know that enjoying your life, feeling calm and even joyful is available to you.

If you’re ready to start right now, grab a recent workshop replay here on creating momentum.

Personally, I manifest in many ways- partner, mother, coach, sister, friend, daughter, citizen, feminist. I live with my husband and children way downeast Maine on a little bridge-connected island (after spending my first 35 years in cities). It’s beautiful here with the ocean and the wind.

I help my clients make big and small changes in life one step at a time.

No matter what’s happening in your life right now, I know you can feel different. I know that by working with your brain and nervous system, you can feel calm, content, joyful, AND you can still go after the big and small goals in your life (getting there will just feel different).

This process is simple and approachable.

You’re probably thinking- but it won’t work for me. I’ve tried it all or I was recently diagnosed with ADHD or I’m too old. But I promise, if you’re open to it, this work is not only transformative but suited for so many different kinds of people and brains.


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